Chapter 14.7: Academic support - Overseas exchange study

  • Do not immediately assume stereotypical inability for students with disabilities to go for overseas exchange study or exclude them from the exchange at the outset.
  • Allow flexibility in the timetable of the overseas exchange study, as it might take time to arrange some accessibility accommodations.
  • Students with disabilities should consider the exchange intention and the required accommodations. Talk to the exchange study coordinator as early as possible to allow sufficient time to match appropriate destination and programmes and to handle accessibility arrangement.
  • After obtaining informed consent from the students with disabilities, the exchange study coordinator and Accessibility Service Coordinator may assist the students with disabilities in communicating with the overseas institutions regarding the accessibility arrangements. The students should be involved in the communication process.
  • Inform the applicants with disabilities about the selection interview schedule as early as possible to allow more preparation time for their required accessibility arrangement, e.g. checking for accessible transportation and booking sign language interpreters. It might also take the Accessibility Service Coordinator a longer time to communicate with the applicants with disabilities regarding the interview accessibility arrangement.
  • Arrange an accessible interview venue.
  • Allow multiple and reasonable forms of responses in the selection interview, e.g. verbal, written, sign language. Focus on the competency and not how the skill is to be completed, keeping in mind that the process may be accommodated.